Hello friends, 

                       My regards to all the loving comrades around the world. The purpose of this blog is to provide equal employment opportunities for all people around the world and ERADICATE THE UNEMPLOYMENT AND POVERTY.  Unemployment and starvation are more deadly diseases today than the deadly corona.

This is still an insurmountable problem around the world. We have a lot of sky-splitting missiles and firing bullets.. We have advance science and advanced technologies  in our hands but could not feed the hungry persons nearby to us.
We will explore the reason for this and find a solution for ourselves. It is by freeing each of us from this problem through
 *The best and quality free education : The ups and downs in education must be eradicated. Education is the property of the world. The property of nature is the same as how it is common to all like this education is also common to all.
* The neutral politics :
There are very few political leaders who think for the betterment of the people and legislate for the betterment of the peopleWe will set aside politicians who can act for their own political gain and elect a leader who will work for the development of the people.
*Right to employee act:
All the countries of the world will eliminate unemployment by enacting legislation as a fundamental right to the employment of their people.
 these all our suggestions to the world governments..

friends comment me your suggestions to me...
Thank you.. will meet another blog
